
Private Client

Portfolio Composition

Portfolios are managed using separately managed accounts (SMA’s). Separately managed accounts let clients own all their securities individually and not as part of a trust or mutual fund unit. Owning individual securities provides clients greater transparency and lower costs. Individual securities are purchased or sold in bulk.

Portfolio Selection

We offer seven portfolio types with different risk and objective parameters. Client assets are spread across the types based on the final allocation in customized BluePrints™.  Most portfolios are absolute return drive with some portfolios incorporating relative performance attributes.  Click on each portfolio type for performance and current holdings.

The Saver Investor Profile >

The emphasis is on safety of principle and an income stream. Portfolio performance is measured on an absolute basis. The portfolio type may be combined in conjunction with other portfolio types or be a stand-alone investment methodology.  Investable asset classes and/or their equivalent include: cash, fixed income (federal, provincial, “BB” rated or better corporate), convertibles, and index-linked notes.

The Class Investor Profile >

Emphasis of account management is on safety and capital gains, and appropriate to investors with previous mutual fund or financial planner experience. Portfolio performance is measured on an absolute basis. The goal is to participate in up trends and avoid down trends. The different investment vehicles may include North American and global equity and fixed income exchange traded funds (ETFs), precious metals ETFs, currency ETFs, commodity ETFs and individual fixed income securities.

The Focus Investor Profile >

Emphasis of account management is on safety and capital gains, and appropriate to investors with financial planner or investment dealer experience. The goal is to participate in up trends and avoid down trends in a more focussed or concentrated fashion through sector concentration than the Class portfolio. Portfolio performance is measured on an absolute basis. The different investment vehicles may include North American and global equity and fixed income exchange traded funds (ETFs), precious metals ETFs, currency ETFs, commodity ETFs and individual fixed income and equity securities.

The US Equity Portfolio>

Emphasis of account management is on equity-based capital gains and safety of capital.  A proprietary methodology is utilized in the selection (and exclusion) of up to 30 stocks from the largest 500 stocks in the American stock markets. Portfolios are expected to be fully invested but can also hold up to 100% cash or fixed income during periods of equity weakness or extreme market risk. Both fundamental and technical analysis techniques are used. Portfolio performance is measured on a more relative than absolute basis.

Seasonal Advantage Portfolio >

Emphasis of account management is on Capital Gains based on a tactical asset and sector allocation model.  The portfolio uses a combination of seasonal, technical, and fundamental analysis to rotate allocations best positioned to benefit from seasonal trends occurring in the economy and the market.  The methodology may utilize long and short positions as well as hedging strategies. This portfolio may at times make use of leveraged securities. The different investment vehicles may include: ETFs in equity sectors, fixed income, precious metals, currencies, commodities, individual equity and fixed income securities, and leveraged ETFs.

Transferring In Existing Positions

For clients transferring in assets there are several steps we undertake to make the best decisions on your behalf.  First we analyse all your positions to measure their inherent strength.  Any weak and declining positions are sold; strong and rising ones are often kept to sell at a better time unless a current model position is superior.

All mutual funds are first analysed for any deferred sales charges and redemption schedules.  If the penalties are a significant hurdle to future performance we’ll make our best efforts to move them within the mutual fund company’s family of funds to act as a proxy for CastleMoore portfolio positions thereby avoiding these costs.  Portfolios may also be funded with cash.

Please contact us for more information or to request a meeting.
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